

Simplified joint stock company

RC Pontoise : B 322 549 171

Siret : 322 549 171 00013

Individual tax identification number: 322 549 171

Head office: 1 avenue des cures 95580 ANDILLY

Tel : 01 34 16 66 84

Legal representative: Christian Buton



2 rue Meuris 44100 Nantes

Privacy policy

La Chocolaterie Jacques Guyaux, Société Par Actions Simplifiée Anonyme with a capital of 1,075,000 euros, headquartered at Z.I. 1 Avenue des Cures - 95580 ANDILLY, registered with the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Pontoise under number B 322 549 171, is committed to protecting your personal data and respecting your privacy.

This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) sets out the type of information we collect, the purposes for which we use it and the rights you have in relation to that information. By using the websites of La Chocolaterie JACQUES GUYAUX (in particular, you accept the provisions of these regulations.

Your data is processed by the GUYAUX company

SAS JACQUES GUYAUX is the owner of the domain name and the owner of the associated site as a whole. All trademarks, logos and associated distinctive signs (catalogs, Products, drawings, models, patents, photographs, texts, tree structure, animations, recipes and other content) are registered trademarks of SAS JACQUES GUYAUX and its partners. Any total or partial reproduction, modification or use, in particular by downloading, transmission, representation or distribution for purposes other than the personal and private use of the Internet user for non-commercial purposes, is strictly forbidden. SAS JACQUES GUYAUX will take legal action, in particular for counterfeiting, against all those who infringe these rights.

Violation of these provisions renders the perpetrator liable to the penalties provided for in both the French Intellectual Property Code and the French Civil Code in terms of civil liability.

Collection and use of personal information

We collect and store personal information about you, including but not limited to your name, address, e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers (“Personal Information”).

We obtain your Personal Information from the following sources:

- You voluntarily provide us with personal information by filling in forms on one of our websites. This includes personal information provided when you place an order to purchase our products, subscribe to our newsletter and/or correspond with us.

- During your commercial transactions with us.

- Through your browser, when you visit our sites and your browser interacts with us. We may process this data using analytical tools such as Google Analytics.

We use personal information to ensure that the content of our sites is presented in the most effective way for you and your computer, to offer you information, products or services that you request or that we believe may be of interest to you (if you have agreed to be contacted for this purpose), to fulfill obligations arising from a contract you have entered into with us, to allow you to participate in interactive features offered by our service, to allow you to create user accounts and to inform you of changes to our service.

Your consent will be requested before we send you any commercial prospecting by electronic means, except in the case of commercial prospecting which we send you and which concerns products similar to those which we have already supplied to you. In this case, as well as in cases where commercial canvassing is not carried out by electronic means, you may ask us at any time to stop contacting you for commercial canvassing purposes...

To do so, please contact us as follows. 

Sharing personal data

We do not share your personal information with third parties, except as set out below. We reserve the right to disclose personal information when we believe disclosure is necessary to comply with the law, enforce the Terms of Use or protect the rights, property or safety of the GUYAUX Group, our customers or third parties.

We may pass on your personal information to our suppliers and partners for any commercial purpose. We do not sell your personal information to third parties.However, we may share personal information in the event of the acquisition of new businesses and/or the sale of all or part of our businesses (personal information may be one of the business assets transferred to the purchaser).

Protection of personal data

The personal data we collect is used to deliver your order in the best possible conditions: Preparation of products, registration of payment, issue of receipt, preparation of parcel and shipment by post or other transport company.The provision of this data is necessary for the successful completion of the above actions.This data is recorded on our server and is kept as a record of the commercial relationship established by the order on the site.The data is kept for a period of 5 years. 

You have the right to ask the data controller for access to your personal data, to rectify or delete them, or to limit the processing relating to the person concerned, or the right to object to the processing and the right to data portability. The data controller is SAS JACQUES GUYAUX, which you can contact using the contact details below/ The sole recipient of this data is SAS JACQUES GUYAUX. 

Your rights

You have the right to access the personal information we hold about you, to ask us to modify it and to require us to delete it if you wish. Any request for access to / modification / deletion of such information shall be addressed to us at your expense at the address mentioned at the end of these Regulations, and shall be subject to the fact that you have provided us with your postal and/or e-mail address, so that we can reply to you. It is your responsibility to ensure that we have accurate contact information. This will enable us to offer you the best possible service.

Therefore, if at any time you would like your personal information to be completely deleted from all our systems for legitimate reasons, or if you would simply like to update any personal information we hold about you, please contact us or write to us at the address at the end of this Policy.

Please note, however, that we need certain key information about you in order to provide the services you request from us and that if you ask us to delete all or part of this information, you may no longer be able to use or access this site or parts of it.

You can contact us anonymously by mail at the chocolate factory's address: 1 avenue des cures 95580 Andilly.


When you use this site for the first time, a cookie will be stored on your hard drive. The next time you visit the site (using the same computer), our server will recognize the cookie and send us information about your last visit.

If you do not wish a cookie to be stored on your hard drive, please select the appropriate option on your browser. Please note, however, that this may prevent you from using the site properly, or at all.

General terms and conditions

The present Rules may be modified or updated at any time and without notice if La Chocolaterie Jacques Guyaux deems it necessary. You will be informed of any changes affecting the processing of your personal information. 

By using this site, you are deemed to have accepted the Terms of Use and the provisions of these Regulations. The use we make of your personal information is subject to the provisions of our Regulations in force at the time we use the information in question.

Privacy assistance

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, or are in any way dissatisfied, we are confident that we can resolve any problems or concerns you may have.


Z.A. 1 Avenue des cures, 95580 ANDILLY

Phone number: 01 34 16 66 84